It's Time to Break Up with Your Doubts & Fears
A powerful on-line course experience where you will learn to stop underestimating yourself and
start taking confident, empowered action on the things that matter most.
If you believed in yourself, what is ONE thing you would do that you've been putting off? Would you...
- start speaking up more?
- respond to client emails with confidence?
- learn to play an instrument?
- get out of a crappy relationship?
- socialize & connect with others?
- apply to a new job or make a career change?
- relocate?
- do any other thing you've been hesitating about?

Take it from me...
Join UNDAUNTED and you will...
- Take specific actions every day that will allow you to do things you only imagined you could do.
Begin to master several Mindset Reset Tools, that put you in charge of your thoughts, your decisions, and the actions you take.
Learn to trust your gut, your inner wisdom. You will know that you can count on YOU in any situation. To know even when things don't go perfectly, that you've got it.
Learn that self-doubt & feeling like an impostor are good things.Yes, you will know how to use them to propel you forward.
Craft a clear vision and plan to accomplish ONE THING you've been putting off.
Create a Mindset Reset plan that reminds you what to do when you start doubting yourself, feeling like an impostor, feeling like you're not worth it.

Here's What's Inside the Course
Clarity of Confidence, Courage, Impostor Syndrome, & Self Doubt
Inside of module one you will learn the
myths and truths of confidence and what courage is and is not. This module will teach you that you have control over your confidence, courage, impostor syndrome & self-doubt.
Inside of this module you will:
-Discover what your life would look like if you were uber confident.
-Find your WHY around the ONE thing you want to take action on.
-Learn how to use impostor syndrome & self-doubt to propel you forward.

Building Confidence from the OUTSIDE-IN
Inside of module two you will learn the fastest way to change your mindset and build confidence.
Inside this module you will:
-Learn how to work the confidence competency loop to build the skill of confidence.
-Learn 7 easy steps to replace your limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs.
-Discover how the 3 traps of self-doubt are keeping you stuck and what you can do instead.
Mindset Reset Tools
Module three is all about tools you can use right away, every single day to take charge of your mindset and the decisions you make. These tools are backed by science and work if you work them!
Inside this module you will:
-Learn a powerful method to reprogram your default negative thought patterns to empowering thoughts that will propel you forward.
-Discover the go-to tool that some of the most successful people use and the exact process so you can achieve anything you want.
-Learn the science behind anxiety and an incredibly simple but effective process to manage it in the moment, so it doesn't hijack you.
Create Your Future
Oh ya! This is where you are going to learn how to make a powerfully effective plan to take action on the ONE thing you've been putting off. You won't be able to hold yourself back from taking action after creating this!
Inside this module you will:
-Learn how to make a realistic plan to take action on your ONE thing you've been putting off.
-Learn how to identify small actions you will take every day to move forward on your ONE thing.
-Learn how to take the tools you've learned in this course and build them into your plan so you don't get all stuck up in your head. You'll have tools built in to help you problem solve so you don't lose momentum.
Reflect, Recommit & Celebrate
This module is about your new beginning. This course is not like a book you read and put on the shelf. Here is where you will cement everything you've learned so you use the tools and learnings going forward.
Inside this module you will:
-Use the tools taught in this course to help you create your vision for what life will look like after you've taken action on your ONE thing.
-Reflect on your learnings to help you identify how your mindset has shifted and capture your personal take-aways and aha's from this course.
-Discover the power of making and keeping promises to yourself. You will be given a safe place to make that pact with yourself.

PLUS, you'll get these exclusive FREE bonuses for joining...

BONUS 1 ($197 VALUE)
UNDAUNTED Members Only Podcast Series
Take a deep dive into topics like, people pleasing, what it costs you every time you compare yourself to others, and a step-by-step approach to stop believing everything you think.

Journaling Made Easy Guide
This guide will take the mystery out of journaling and help you create a journaling habit. I outline the exact step-by-step process to use every time you journal and give you lots of journaling prompts to get you going.
This course is PERFECT for you if…
- You want to stop struggling & beating yourself up every day.
- You want clarity around what you really want and to get out of your head and finally take action.
- You're tired of watching everyone else live their amazing lives & you keep thinking, "if only that could be me."
- You're exhausted from feeling like an impostor and fearing being found out as a fraud.
- You're willing to build new habits & behaviors that support a confident mindset.
- You can't wait to wake up excited about your day, instead of dreading what could go wrong.
- You're willing to do the deep inner work and be honest with yourself about what's really getting in your way.

When I first came to coaching with Carlene, my performance at work was suffering immensely and my personal life was a mess.
I was scared to trust myself and started overthinking. I had little energy left to act on the few decisions I was able to make. I punished myself for inaction. I told myself I was lazy, incapable, stupid, naive, pathetic, a coward, a loser...I was worthless.
I was highly insecure and afraid of the world. I was lost and terrified the world would continue to reject me.
Things slowly started to change when I started coaching with Carlene. I learned, everything I was struggling with was because I was getting in my own way. I didn’t understand that before I met Carlene.
She doesn’t tell you what to do, she teaches you to believe in yourself. She shows you that you are capable of everything you’ve ever wanted, and you already know what to do. You just have to believe in yourself.
I’m good at my job again! My teammates turn to me for support, direction, and leadership. I’m more comfortable making mistakes because I’ve embraced the benefits of the lessons they yield. I understand that I’m stronger because of all the ones I’ve made.
I’m completing my work on time because I’m able to seek the clarity I need to accomplish it. I don’t feel ashamed to ask or feel like I should have all the answers.
All my friends tell me how blown away and inspired they are by my progress. I’m consistently asked what my key to success is. They say they see a huge positive change in me, that I’m stronger and more confident than I ever was before.
Most importantly, I know I’ll always be okay because I’ve learned to believe in myself. I always know what I need because I trust in my own guidance.
Ania Wieteski, Senior Program Manager

Select the Payment Option that works best for you.
When you enroll TODAY, you'll click open your membership to start:
UNDAUNTED, an on-line coaching program that will help you get unstuck and become unstoppable in your life. I'll lead you through a powerful mindset reset that will empower you to self-propel with confidence.
Even better news? No matter which payment plan you pick, you'll get instant access to the entire course.
My performance anxiety and self-doubt were through the roof as I was embarking on training for a leadership position in my company.
The combination of the Undaunted Course and 1:1 Coaching was so empowering and liberating. I had no idea I could practice confidence.
I’ve completed my leadership training and now lead a team with so much less anxiety than I could have ever imagined.
When feelings of being an impostor creep in, or I feel myself going back to my people pleasing and perfectionist ways, I now have the tools to manage myself in the moment.
The course and coaching go together like orange juice and champagne! Coaching alongside the course takes things to the next level; it allows you to deep dive into areas where you might benefit from some additional attention or tools.
I wish I would have found Carlene years ago. I would’ve saved myself so much anxiety and unhappiness. I wasted so much time avoiding things in my life.
Have you ever started talking to someone and instantly started pouring out your heart and soul? Knowing how guarded I typically am, I was thrilled with the amount of comfort and trust I instantly felt when talking to Carlene.
I sensed so much encouragement, excitement, and hope for what could be produced during that first call and knew I wanted to sign up for more to see how her knowledge and guidance could help me.
It is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Chris Nixon, Healthcare Professional

Plus, you'll be backed by a risk-free
14-day money back guarantee.
Let me say this upfront. "UNDAUNTED" is for people who are committed to learning how to shift their mindset to do the important things in their lives. I want each and every attendee to walk away from this course feeling like the time they put into it was well worth what they got out of it.
If you don't feel empowered by the content in this course, simply send me an email, show me you've put in the work (listened to all the videos in the first modules and completed all the exercises with thoughtful intention) and I'll refund your investment.
You can find more details at the Undaunted Terms & Conditions Page.
"I now know things are not as scary as I was making them in my head.
Taking this course has been a life transforming experience. I have learned so much about ME and why I automatically respond the way I do. I am plagued with self-doubt and that self-doubt had begun to paralyze me from moving on in several areas of my life.
Undaunted helped me to identify my default responses and actions. Through conversational lectures, exploratory exercises, and practical reframing techniques, Carlene has taught me how to boldly walk forward with practical tools that I can use in my everyday life.
The only thing I regret is not taking this course sooner!"
Sue Russell, University Professor

Right now is a busy time for me, I'm worried I won't have time! Do I need to follow week by week or can I go at my own pace?
Fear not! This whole course is entirely go at your own pace. Why? Because I want you to take your time to process what you are discovering as you do this deep inner work. You can listen and re-listen to the lessons as often as you like. You can take 5 weeks or 5 months. Everyone's journey through this is different. That is the beauty of it!
You also have access to 3 Implementation Plans that lay out what you need to do to complete the course in 5, 10, or 14 weeks. Sign up for email support for one of the plans to keep you on track.
How long will I have access to the course?
This course is a lifetime course! So what does that mean for you? Well, it means you're in luck! As long as I'm running this course you will have access to it. I am constantly tweaking, adding to it, and recording new content. Once you're in, you're in for everything that is waiting for you now and anything coming soon!
Can I pay in installments?
Absolutely! I offer two payment options. You can pay in full today or you can separate your payments into 3 monthly charges.
My time is limited. How much time will I need to set aside each week for the content?Since this is a go-at-your-own-pace course, it will differ for everyone. The recommended amount of time to spend on the course each week is about 3 hours if you want to finish it in 5 weeks.
I recommend you listen to the lessons once or twice, spend time reflecting and doing the exercises. I love that you can pause during your busy weeks and revisit a lesson when you're feeling stuck.
When I join, will I have immediate access to everything?
Upon enrolling, you will have immediate access to the entire course.
The course consists of 5 modules that are then broken up into individual lessons, for a total of 15 lessons.
Each lesson builds on previous lessons. So, it's important you go through the lessons in order to get the most out of it.
Will I need to invest money in anything else for this course?
The only thing you will need is pen and paper. A notebook or journal works great for capturing your learnings and doing the reflection exercises. It's up to you how fancy you want to get. You can get a notebook at the dollar store.
I personally cannot wait to
guide you on your incredible journey!

Becoming a Coach has literally changed my life. I never imagined I would ever have the confidence to start my own business and help others along the way. But, here I am all these years later, doing just that.
My lifelong facination with what makes people tick and the power of personal growth overruled my introversion, driving me out of my comfort zone, to build a business. Each step of the way I had to do the deep inner work to move through the fear and build the skill of confidence.
More than anything else, I want to share what I've learned along my journey with you.
Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee this course will be completely, eye-opening and transformative for you.
I look forward to meeting you personally inside UNDAUNTED.
All my best,
The Art of Taking Action, Even if You Doubt Yourself
More Client Success Stories
Use their stories to find that spark of hope that you, too, WILL do things you never imagined with confidence.

"My past failures were no longer an excuse.
Carlene has helped me to stop beating myself up for my perceived failures. I learned to stop focusing on what others thought about me. Without her, I could not have identified or carried out the steps required to start my own business. I never imagined I could help people like this. I no longer doubt myself at every turn. She has been a huge source of encouragement."
- Nia, Entrepreneur & proud 60 y.o. Legacy Career Client

"Tapping into my strengths was key to building my confidence.
Through coaching I discovered I had many strengths I was not using. Understanding how to use these strengths in my business has helped me take my business to new heights. I'm more organized and focused. Carlene taught me how to coach myself through challenging situations so I can stay on track and have a successful business."
- Brian, Real Estate Broker

"Taking action is scary, but I learned to do it anyway.
During our sessions, Carlene always said the right thing I needed to hear to move me forward. She helped me break down my fears allowing me to shift to a healthy mindset. I was petrified to apply to new jobs, but with Carlene's support I began applying to several jobs per week. After working with Carlene, I slowly started taking action and building confidence."